Toronto innovation solves bike storage woes for urban cyclists

Prevent bike theft Revelo THINstem rotating handlebar system Canadian Innovation by Henry Chong


May 24th, 2019                         
Toronto, Canada


Toronto innovation solves bike storage woes for urban cyclists

While the growth of bike lanes have increased cycling ridership; the pressing lack of secure and convenient bike storage is still a primary factor that dissuades the majority of Torontonians from cycling (ref: TCAT report). Bicycle commuters are painfully aware of the constant threat of bike theft and are less likely to ride when their bikes are difficult to access and store.  This is especially true for condo dwellers which have limited places to put their bike. The high cost of real estate makes it hard for residences and workplaces to adequately accommodate indoor bike  storage. Toronto designer, Henry Chong, founder of Revelo Bikes, has created a simple and affordable solution (THINstem) for secure storage that revolutionizes how full size bikes can fit in small spaces.

Most bikes are large and occupy, on average, 15 sq ft of floor space.  Bike handlebars are obstructively wide, making bikes impractical to store securely indoors.  THINstem (Turn Handlebar Instantly Narrow stem) enables the handlebar to easily rotate into alignment with the bicycle frame, making the bike over 60% slimmer.   In this THIN format, the bike can be discreetly walked through crowds, into elevators, onto public transportation, stored flat against the wall, and secured indoors.  Add folding or detachable pedals and the bike can be as narrow as the width of the saddle.

“The bicycle is an efficient transportation tool.  As cities around the world become more congested, and live/work spaces get smaller, the tool must also evolve.THINstem is a revolutionary step in that evolution”, Henry Chong, THINstem designer, Revelo Bikes founder

The patented THINstem replaces the existing handlebar stem on a full size bike and can be installed in 5 minutes. The THINstem solution is simple, safe and easy to use; the cyclist can quickly alternate between riding and THIN storage/walking modes with a simple twist of the handlebar.  Since THINstem can enable more bikes to fit in less space, businesses can increase their bike parking capacity without need for renovations.

THINstem was launched in March this year (, starting at $69) and is quickly gaining a following in Canada, US, and Europe for bikes and ebikes.

For more information visit:

Press Media:  Revelo THINstem media

THINstem Youtube Video:

About Henry Chong:

Henry Chong is Founder, CEO, and Principal Designer of Toronto based Revelo Bikes Inc.  Henry has been a cycle-commuter in Toronto for over 4 decades. He is an award winning industrial designer and thought leader in personal and micro-mobility transportation design.  Henry founded Revelo in 2012 after receiving the MaRS Upstart Award for the game changing electric FLEX ebike. He has since received multiple design, business and innovation awards and was featured in CBC’s Disrupting Design series.  Henry is also the creator of the full line of Revelo folding bikes and holds multiple design and utility patents.  Henry is a graduate of Waterloo University and OCAD University.

Contact: Mary Chong
 Phone: 416.434.0376

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